
Hey there! Welcome to TeaSZN – our little tea haven in Austin where we're all about celebrating every sip and story since 2023. We're not tea gurus; we're just super passionate about discovering and sharing the wonders of tea with you.

But TeaSZN is more than just tea. It's about the connections we forge, the relaxed moments we cherish, and the little joys we celebrate. Driven by quality and curiosity, we're here to guide you through this vibrant tea universe.

Come join the TeaSZN family and let's sip, savor, and learn together. It's not just about the destination; it's about enjoying the ride, one delightful cup at a time.

Thinking about teaming up? We love making new friends and creating amazing tea experiences! If you're a local café, an event organizer, or just someone who shares our zest for tea and positivity, we're excited to collaborate. Let's bring our communities together and create something special. Sign up below or email us at, and let's start brewing some fantastic ideas together. Here's to great tea and even greater partnerships with TeaSZN!

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